Currently I'm reading: Jenseits vom Tatort by Horst Brandt

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18 May 2014
The Sunday Post

This is is Meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer and here are the rules.

It is your chance to re-cap your bookish week, what did your review last week, any new purchases, what will be coming up in your blog next week or generally anything you feel you would like to share with the blogging community.

So, what did I do last week?

The weather is finally getting better here, and we had temperatures in the low 70's at the end of the week. I have taking up walking again now after my vacation break, and now try to do a 'power walk' for about 20 mins in the evening, basically before I go to bed. So, instead of putting my night attire on, I put on my walking shoes and off I go around the houses. Didn't manage every day, and probably isn't a very powerful power-walk :) but hey, it's a start. 

The family are all fine. My eldest son (he is 20) has been offered a full-time position where he works now part-time. He works in one of those expensive, luxury goods department-store (not one where I would shop LOL). He had been offered full-time before, but always turned it down… I guess he has realised now that more hours work = more money coming in and he will have to leave the lazy teenage-years behind him. 

Reading-wise, I started a new review book which is not my usual genre (Sci-Fi) so it took me a while to get into it, but I'm loving it now. Resisted a purchase in the book shop when we went shopping today, but I still had a good old browse ('What do you do browsing for 20 mins in a book shop?') 

And here is something I found which made me smile :) 

On the Blog last week


Memes/ Features: 

Finish / Start

Trial of Love by Christina Ow

This changes everything by Sally Ember

Around the Blogosphere / Interesting stuff

2 interesting posts / discussions I found from Ashley at Nose Graze

And here a 'blogger help' type post I found on Herding Cats and Burning Soup: 

Added to my stash

As mentioned earlier, didn't purchase anything and no Freebies either! I've been a good girl. Have been approached by independent publishers for 3 books for review and will have a good look at the descriptions today to see if they are suitable for me. Yes, I have come to that conclusion now that I simple cannot accept everything, as much as I want to! Yes, I know that's exactly what all the 'old' book bloggers have been saying right from the beginning…. you will receive loads and the point will come pretty quickly where you have to be selective. The point is here. Just too many books and too less time. ohhhhhh…. Could have worse problems in my life I suppose :) 

What I'm planning on the blog for next week


Walk it off by Emily Stanford

Dreamcatcher by Stephen King
(continuing my weekly Stephen King feature)

Sister by Rosamund Lupton

Memes/ Features:

This weeks topic: Top 10 books about friendship

  • Feature and Follow hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read: Next week's question:Have you ever convinced someone to read a book, a series, or a whole genre? What book(s) and who was it? Did they like it?

Have a great week everyone and Happy Reading

Peggy xx